For further details on planning applications please search public access on the ERYC web site


Planning Application 24/01713/TCA

Proposal: North Dalton conservation area – Remove 2 no Ash trees due to presences of advanced ash dieback and risk of damaging neighbouring property and undermining boundary wall

Location: Fallwood Wynthorpe Meadows, YO25 9XE

Applicant: Mr Pete Syrad

Application Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area


Planning Application 24/01725/PLF

Proposal: Erection of an agricultural building

Location: Wold View Farm, Main Street, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mr Andrew Corrigan

Application Type: Full Planning Permission


Planning Application 24/01732/PLF

Proposal: Erection of a livestock building with associated feed bins, hardstanding and landscaping

Location: North Grange Farm, Huggate Road, YO25 9EL

Applicant: Mr Tim Nettleton

Application Type: Full Planning Permission


Planning Application 24/00050/REFUSE notice of appeal

Proposal: Installation of Replacement Windows

Location: Manor Farm Cottages, Main Street,



Planning Application23/03008/PLF

Proposal: Erection of a detached dwelling and garage with associated drive and hard landscaping

Location: Land West of the Coach House, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Sovereign Build Ltd

Application Type: Full Planning Permission



Planning Application 23/03079/TCA

Proposal: Prune 2 no conifers at the back of the rear garden by 2 meters. The tree branches currently overhang the neighbouring property and restrict the amount of sunlight into the garden

Location: Mulberry Cottage, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mr Terence Langstaff

Application Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area




Proposal: Crown reduce 1 no willow tree by 1.5 meters to avoid damage to garage roof

Location: Mexborough House, Old School Road, North Dalton, YO25 9UX

Applicant: Mrs Elaine Glassby

Application Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area





Proposal: Installation of replacement windows

Location: Manor Farm Cottages Main Street North Dalton

Applicant: Mr Stuart Naylor

Application Type: Full Planning Permission.




Planning Application 23/01804/PLF

Proposal: Erection of a detached garage to be used for domestic use and running a personal training business (Retrospective Application)

Location: 4 Ransome Row, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mrs Emma Heatley

Application Type: Full Planning Permission


      Planning Application 23/02405/TCA

Proposal: Crown reduce 1 no ash tree and crown reduce 1 no horse chestnut tree both by approx. 4m due to trees overhanging their garden

Location: Dalton House, Back Lane, North Dalton, YO25 9XD

Applicant: Mr Neil Johnson

       Application Type: Tree Works in a conservation area


      Planning Application 23/02351/TCA

Proposal: fell 1 no fir tree within raised planter due to root spread undermining structural containment

Location: The Croft, East End, Main Street, North Dalton, YO255 9XA

Applicant: Mr K Moore

       Application Type: Tree Works in a conservation area

      No objections


      Planning Application 23/01278/PLF

Proposal: Erection of Freedom Farrowing Unit

Location: Wold View Farm, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Boarcross Ltd

Application Type: Full Planning Permission


Planning Application 23/01441/TCA

Proposal: Fell 9 no Yew Trees (G1) to expose mature yew tree, Crown reduce 1 no Yew Tree (T1) by 2 metres in width growing over the path to the church; Fell 1 No Ash tree (T2) as it is growing into the foundation wall and impeding on Yew Tree; Fell 1 o Weeping Ash tree T4; Works being carried t=out to enable a view of the church from the road

Location: All Saints Church, Old School Road,, North Dalton, YO25 9UX

Applicant: Mr Paul Clayphan

Application Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area



Planning Application 23/01480/TCA

Proposal: Fell 1 no mature Beech due to tri-dominant stems

Location: The Old Rectory, Village Hall Road, North Dalton, YO25 9UX

Applicant: Mrs Elaine Glasby

Application Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area




Application 23/00363/PLF

Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to rear

Location: Mill Farm House, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Fell

Application Type: Full Planning Permission Application




 Proposal: Fell 1 no Cherry Tree (T1) (A) tree is diseased, Fell 4 no (T2 conifer, T3 unknown, T4 lilac, T5 unknown) trees are overgrown and unattractive. Fell 1 no (T6 conifer)has   grown too big for its location. Fell 1 no (T7 Apple Tree) needs to be removed in order for the new extension to go ahead.

Location: Mill Farm House, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mrs Alice Fell

Application Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area     


Proposal: Conversion, extensions and alterations to two existing barns to create two dwellings; erection of garages; widening of the existing access and associated works and infrastructure

Location:The Stables, Westwood House, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Sovereign Build Ltd

Application Type: Full Planning Permission



      22/03072/PLF amended plans submitted 19.12.2022

  1. Proposal: Erection of agricultural building, installation of diesel and 2 water tanks, relocation of agricultural building and fertiliser tank from existing farmyard, formation of crushed stone and concrete farm yard area with alterations to existing access and track following demolition of existing farmyard
  2. Location: Land South West of Bainton Burrows, Middleton Road, Bainton, , YO25 9BS
  3. Applicant: D F Byass and Sons
  4. Application Type: Full Planning Permission
  5. Approved

  10.   22/02967/TCA
  11. Proposal: Crown lift 6 no sycamore trees to the east of North Dalton pond by approx. 3 metres to enable access to an excavator for the purpose of removing the excessive silt that has settled in the pond over the last 40 years
  12. Location: The Mere, Main Street, North Dalton
  13. Applicant: Chris Wade
  14. Application Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area

No objection


  2. 22/03075/TPO

Proposal: Fell 2 no Ash trees (T1 and T2) trees are to be felled due to ash die back and associated risks of tree failure in the future

Location: 5 Ransomes Row, Main Street, North Dalton. YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mr Phil Davies

Application Type: Tree Works to Protected tree





Proposal: Residential development comprising, alteration, extensions and change of use of existing buildings to form 2 dwellings, erection of 1 detached dwelling and erection of garages with associated works and infrastructure (Resubmission of 21/02914/PLF)

Location: The Stables, Westwood House, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Sovereign Build

Application Type: Full Planning Permission




Proposal: NORTH DALTON NO. 1 - 2011 (REF 1260) G1. NORTH
DALTON CONSERVATION AREA - Crown reduce 1 no. Horse Chestnut
tree by reducing 1 no. overhanging branch by 8-9 metres as it is severely
leaning over the property boundary and concerns that it could cause damage
to property and life in high winds; Crown reduce 1 no. Maple tree to 15-20
metres in height as it is extremely high, has been not managed for a number of
years, is a danger to the property, has resulted in pigeon mess on lawn, and is
blocking out light into the garden

Location: Carr Lodge, Main Street, N Dalton YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mr S Abbott

Application Type: Works to Protected Trees

Consent granted



Proposal: Erection of a single storey dual pitched extension to rear following removal of existing conservatory

Location: Mulberry Cottage, Main Street, North Dalton; YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Langstaff

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Approved subject to conditions


Planning Application : 22/02203/PLF

      Proposal: Installation of a ground mounted solar PV array and associated cable infrastructure.
      Location: North Grange Farm, Huggate Road, North Dalton UO25 9EL
     Applicant: NDGF Ltd
     Application Type: Full Planning Permission

     Permission granted




Proposal: Installation of replacement doors and windows using painted timber double glazed units, removal of an internal wall and insulation of the front and rear wall at ground and first floor level

Location: 4 Ransomes Row, ain Street. North Dalton YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mrs E Heatley

Application Type: Listed Building Consent

Permission granted




Planning Application: 22/00173/PLF

Proposal:Erection of a single storey extension to provide new kitchen, installation of ventilation and extraction system with associated works, construction of covered entrance porch and terrace pergola to provide outdoor seating and removal of paint from brickwork

Location: Star Inn South End, |North Dalton, YO25 9UX

Applicant: Old Mill Brewery

Application Type: Full Planning Permission


Planning Application :21/03919/PLF

Proposal: Erection os sa single storey extension to rear following part demilitions of two storey structure

Location: Westwood House, Main Street, Norht Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant Mr Smith and Miss Dee

Application Type : Full Planning Pemission

Parish Council Submission - no objections

Planning approval 4.02.2021 with conditions on protection to trees


Planning Application: 21/02914/PLF

Proposal: Residential development comprising alterations, extensions and change of use of existing buildings to form 2 dwellings, erection of 1 detached dwelling and erection of 1 detached garage ad 2 car ports with associated works

Location: The Stables, Westwood House, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Sovereign Build Ltd

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Parish Council Comments

Planning Application: 21/02013/PLB

Proposal: Replacement of windows and door on rear elevation with double glazed units with identical frames and openings (retrospective application)

Location: 3 Ransomes Row, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mrs Rita Marrison

Application Type: Listed Buildings Consent



Planning Application: 21/03179/TCA

Proposal: Crown lift 1no sycamore (T1) to 6m over highway to provide adequate traffic clearance; Fell 1no Ash tree (T2) due to being a small poor twin-stemmed specimen with a broken limb, overhanging footpath; Crown reduce 1 no laurel (T3) to 1.5m overall to allow to regenerate as a manageable bush

Location|: The Mere Main Street, North Dalton

Applicant: Mr Oliver Byass

Application Type: Tree works in a conservation area


Planning Application: 21/02728/TCA

Proposal: Crown reduce 2 no conifers by 2 metres and crown lift them to 3 metres as the branches currently overhang the neighbouring property and limit the amount of sunlight into the garden

Location: Mulberry Cottage Main Street North Dalton YO25 9XA

Applicant Terence Langstaff

Application Type: Tree Works in a conservation area


Planning Application : 21/02646/TCA

Proposal: Fell 1 no MountainAsh (T1) due to concerns over the proximity to teh garden building; Fell 1 no Silver  Birch (T2) due to the tree outgrowing its current situation and concerns over proximity to the property

Location: Hillcrest South End North Dalton YO25 9UR

Applicant : Kerry Armstrong

Application Type : Tree works in a conservation area.


Planning Application 21/00268/TCA

Proposal: Remove 1no tree due to the tree growing too close to the garage and guttering

Location: Wynthorpe House, Main Street, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mrs L Gough

Application Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area



Planning Application21/00081/TCA

Proposal :Crown reduce 1no cherry plum tree by removing 1 no limb to provide clearance over the garage roof and to prevent damage to the historic outbuildings; Crown reduce 1no beech hedge to 1.8 mtrs

Location: Old Cobblers Cottage, 3 Star Row, South End, North Dalton: YO25 9UX

Applicant: Mrs C Wade

Application Type: Tree works in a conservation area

No objections raised


Planning Application 20/04262/TCA

Proposal: Fell 1no tree due to tree being dead; Fell 1no group of Leylani trees due to being overgrown and storm damaged; Fell 2no Lawson Cypress trees; Fell 1no Horse Chestnut tree due to tree being partially dead from bleeding canker; Fell 1no Horse Chestnut tree due to tree having storm damage and recently shedding a major limb; Fell 1no sycamore tree due to tree being stunted

Location: Lanwin Pulses Ltd. Manor House, Main St, N Dalton YO25 9UX

Applicant: Oliver Byass

App Type: Tree Works in a conservation area

No Objections


Planning Appplication 20/02954/TCA

Proposal: Crown Lift2no ash trees to 1 mtr above garage ridge to prevent further damage to the garage and greenhouse roofs

Location: Land west of Tithe Farm, Village Hall Rd, N Dalton, YO25 9UX

Applicant : Mr M Jones

Tree Works in a Conservation area


Planning Appeal 20/00038/REFUSE

Appeal against refused planning application 19/04149/PLF

Proposal: Change of use of vacant public house to building comprising public house, convenience store, cafe and 4 no. residential apartments (including managers apartment), with associated works including external alterations to the building and provision of parking areas. Erection of a detached dwelling in south east corner of car park

Location: Star Inn South End North Dalton East Riding Of Yorkshire YO25 9UX

Applicant: Mr Adam Ellis

Appeal Start Date: 7 September 2020

Appeal Type: Refusal of Planning Permission

Appeal Process: Written Representations by 12th October 2020 to the plannng inspectorate offices https:// All submissions must be electronically, quoting reference APP/E2001/W/20/3252849



Planning Application 20/02096/TCA

Proposal: Fell no 2 Beech trees (T9 and T12) due to squirrel damage causing potential risk, low amenity value and proximity t neighbouring tree; Fell 1 no Rowan tree (Y13) due to tree obstructing vehicular access and low amenity value

Location: Mexborough House, Old Schol Road. North Dalton YO25 9UX

Applicant: Ms Diana McNeish

Application Type: Tree Works in Conservation Area

No objections decision notice can be found on line at ERYC Planning


Planning Application 20/01757/TCA

Proposal: To remove 1 no Sycamore tree (T1) due to tree outgrowing its location and presents an ongoing risk to the heating oil tank: Remove1 no Sycamore tree (T2) as allowing the tree to grow will cause damage to the boundary fence.

Location: Dalton House, Back Lane, North Dalton YO25 9XD

Applicant: Mrs Belinda Coles

Application Type: Tree works in a conservation area

No objections


Planning Application 20/01437/VAR

Proposal: Variation of Condition 14 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 16/02846/PLF (Change of use of redndant farm building to form dwelling and double gargae)

Location: Foldyard House, Main Street, North Dalton. YO25 9UX

Applicant: Mr O Byass

Application Type: Variation of Condition Pending

Approved 9 July 2020 with conditions see attached


 Planning Application 20/01162/TCA

Proposal Rmove 3 no Sycamore trees due to poor form

Location: Caleys Barn, Main Street, Nort Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Mr D Thompson

Application Type: Tree works in a conservation area

No Objections


Planning Application 20/00167/TCA

Proposal: North Dalton Conseervation Area- Crown reduce 3 no Sycamore trees by approx 3 mtrs (10ft), due to excessive height, close proximity to the property and blocking light.

Location: Caleys Barn, Main St, North Dalton, YO25 9XA

Applicant: Ms Nicola Thompson

Applicant Type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area -approved


Planning Application 20/01286/PLF

Proposal: Change of use of vacant public house to building comprising public house, convenience store, cafe and 4 no residential apartments (including managers apartment) with associated works including external alterations to the building and provision of parking areas (revised scheme of 19/04179/PLF)

Location: Star Inn, South End, NOrth Dalton YO25 9UX

Applicant: Mr A Ellis

Application Type|: Full Planning Permission

Referred to Western area sub planning committee

Application approved 30.06.2020 with conditions refer to ERYC planning web site


Planning Application 20/00179/TELECOM

Proposal: Installation of wall mounted electronic equipment comprising of a smart metering GPS antenna at 11.5m, a smart metering 3G Omni antenna at 11.5m and a smart metering 0.8m Omni antenna at 13m high and ancillary works.

Location: J Scott Engineering Limited, Huggate Road, North Dalton, East Riidng of Yorkshire, YO25 9UZ

Application: Arqiva Ltd

Application Type: Telecommunications - Prior Notice approval not required


Planning Application 19/04179/PLF

Proposal: Change of use of vacant public house to building comprising public house, convenience store, cafe and 4 no. residential apartments (including managers apartment), with associated works including external alterations to the building and provision of parking areas. Erection of a detached dwelling in south east corner of car park

Location: Star Inn South End North Dalton East Riding Of Yorkshire YO25 9UX

Applicant: Mr Adam Ellis Application type:

Full Planning Permission
Referred to Western Area Planning sub Commitee - Application refused


Planning application 19/03629/TCA

Felling of Ash Tree in conservation area. Caleys Barn

Approved see attached


Planning Application 19/02033/VAR

Variation of Condition 11 (Landscaping Scheme) of planning permission L5l01055/PLF Reconstruction and alterations to existing agricultural building to form a dwelling (plot 1) and conversion of existing agricultural building to form a dwelling (plot 2) - to allow for a 2m high wallon the southern boundary Address: Caleys Barn Main Street North Dalton East Riding of Yorkshire YO25 9XA Appllcant: Mr & Mrs D A Thompson

Approved 5 September with conditions click

Planning application 19/02015/PLF

Proposal: Refurbishment of existing agricultural building and erection of a single storey extension to rear
Location: Caleys Barn Main Street North Dalton East Riding Of Yorkshire YO25 9XA Applicant: Miss Nichola Thompson
Application type: Full Planning Permission
Approved Approved 10.12.19 see attached