North Dalton Parish Counicl continue to work hard to support residents of the parish.  Our objectives for 2024 are to finish the restoration of the pond, plant more trees in and around the village, protect our grass verges, continue to seek ways of improving the traffic flow in the village.

What we did in 2020


Despite the Covid restrictions for most of the year, 2020 was a year of progress on several counts.



The street lights through the village were bought and installed by the parish council nearly 40 years ago and have served us well. But age started to have its toll and several of the lantern tops actually blew off, while others showed serious damage.


We worked in partnership with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, who exchanged the old lanterns with refurbished ones, complete with energy-saving LED lamps. They look as good as new, and should give years of service while cutting our electricity bill.



The parish council added to the money collected by donations, and we purchased a defibrillator for the village. It is to be sited at the village hall, on a trial basis, where there is a handy electric supply.



There has been a lot of concern about the speed and amount of traffic through the village, and the increasing number of heavy vehicles. A particular issue is at the bend at the pond-side path (a popular crossing-point) and the stretch of road at the pond-side, where children are at risk when crossing, and many ducks have been killed.


Meetings were held during the year with our Ward Councillors, who in turn raised our concerns with ERYC Highways Dept. and the police. Various options and potential restrictions, including speed monitoring, weight limits, extra signage and contacting individual haulage firms, are all being progressed in 2021. For a start, ERYC are going to create a 40mph zone before the double-bend at the east end of the village.




We raised the problem of flooding along Huggate Road and lack of proper drainage. This has a knock-on effect on flooding elsewhere.

We got ERYC to do a survey and the result was a big new drainage scheme, completed in the Autumn.




Especially with lockdown, certain paths have become popular with dog-walkers, and unfortunately waste became an increasing problem during the year. To counter this, we’ve put up two signs and purchased a waste bin - near the village hall - which is serviced for us by ERYC. It has become very well used!



We spend time and effort on local things which enhance life in our village, and which are often not the concern of the higher authorities.

If anything like that occurs to you, be sure to contact us.


2022 forward

The village has been enhanced with spring bulbs - thnak you to all those volunteers who helped with the planting

Huggate Road has now had the new drains installed.

A project is underway to restore the village pond to it's former glory

A further work is underway to help combat the traffic issues in the village. 40 mph buffer speed restrictions have been installed on roads approaching the village. The Council continues to work with ERYC and we are now looking at a new project of village gateways.